Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Naag Temple in Vanua Levu

The most attractive place in Labasa in Vanua Levu is the Naag Temple. It is located about 45 minutes away from Labasa town being located right beside the road along the Nagigi road. The reason for it being so eminent is that it is believed that the figure in the temple is of a rapidly growing stone in the form of the Hindu Snake god (Naag). It so began to grow that the construction of the temple roof had to be extended to cater for its growth. It still rapidly grew and this created problems for the Naag Mandir committe to keep extending the roof structure. Discussions amongst hindu priest and brahamins were help and this conlcluded to uphold a prayer to the snake god (Naag) to halt the growth but still endure its presence and blessings on the people. Till then, the figure has come to a halt in the growth. The people all over the world come to visit/pray this eminent figure of the (Naag Devta) if they come over to Labasa.
More Pictures of the inside of the Naag Temple can be viewed here.


maashuu said...

~~~its beautiful to see the temple again...keep updating..thanks alot.!!!

Noel said...

Finally got a chance to go to the temple... was amazing!

Unknown said...

😄😄😄😄 its a beautiful place
I'm so glad to visit a amazing place in vanu levu

dhodisachin said...

This is the temple of kaaliya naag which came here from india yamuna ji.